“The Declaration of Avoidance”
To all those who are at odds with the fellow student who lives with you…
There is a moment in one’s dorm life when the object of my conflict must come to the realization that any sort of deliberate neutrality or level of tolerance for the differences of the other on my part can no longer absorb the actions against the one being aggressed.
I had seen last week a slight “epiphany” of some sort, a possible move toward maturation or even responsibility…at least in terms of room maintenance. I have seen yesterday that this was only an illusion set in order to make me believe that I could continue on with this passive charade. I have complained only to my parents and to my brother as to this atrocity against my peace of mind. After much consultation, I have decided to exercise my option to place physical barriers in my personal space in order to inhibit any view of the entity that appears to enjoy torturing me.
As I had
mentioned, I am not fond of 20
year-old children. These children belong
at home with their mothers instead of talking to them every other hour on their
cell phone at the full volume their vocal cords can humanly utter. These are the same children who continue to
close themselves off to the possibility to mental expansion but still ask
constantly ask themselves why they are unknowledgeable in the real world. These are the same children that I cannot
meet at an intellectual level, for that level is somewhere below the depths of
Hades in the core of a place far from this planet.
Therefore, I state that today, I will take all actions to avoid any further aggravation, even if that means partial isolation inside the room in which I reside. I will be doing this at the cost of the reduction of the physical aspect of my living quarters. I am willing to take that cutback for the sake of my sanity and for the assurance of her physical safety if and when I will take this aggravation into my bare hands. I do not desire physical force, but subtle attacks will arise if my natural humanly needs are not respected.
Effective as of
the date above at
Christine “Silverfox” Malazarte